Admin1: Doctors divided nature into academic fields so that a Doctor can master a section during an academic career.
Doctor Gravytee: In Alphysics the academic glory comes to the Doctor who markets himself as the superhuman genius who mastered something about nature that no one else is able to understand. Since nature is simple Doctors of Alphysics invent a complicated language and define it as the true laws of nature. Sharing and collaboration is not valued in Alphysics. This is true for all other scholastic fields where Doctors dominate the field.
A1: Is this the reason why nature is so fragmented?
Doctor G: Yes. Doctors divided nature into intellectual bite size portions understandable to humans.
A1: There is collaboration in Alphysics. We see papers written by several authors, sometimes by hundreds of authors, especially in particle Alphysics.
Dr. G: Those are not really collaborations. Doctors divide the tasks of analyzing a huge chunk of data obtained by giant computers into smaller chunks and each group analyzes its own data.
A1: Will a unification of academic fields help human wellbeing?
Dr. G: Maybe. Unification of academic fields is not good for the wellbeing of Doctors so it will never happen.
A1: An open knowledge movement in academia is a dream?
Dr. G: No. It is a joke.