Admin1: This is fascinating. In our time, in just a few decades Doctors of Alphysics proved with impeccable mathematicism of The Theory that the world is made of strings and the world is not made of strings.
Doctor Gravytee: You are right and you are wrong. Alphysics is most elegant. Since the official unit of elegance in alphysics is Greene you see that Doctor Greene himself is the proof that we are living in an elegant universe.
A1: There are rumors that you are jealous because the most famous Doctor of Alphysics Greene is more famous than you and while you only have a blog the most famous Doctor Greene has his own Nova movie with state of the art computer graphics allowing him to prove all the cliches of postmodern media, by walking out of movie screens, by sitting next to himself in a movie theater and traveling in time. Is The Theory really the theory of old postmodern movie gimmicks?
Dr. G: The Theory is a marketing gimmick. The most famous Doctor Greene is a celebrity. He is paid by the giant publishing industry. For the most famous Doctor Greene the universe looks like whatever sells. Elegant sells. Therefore the universe is elegant.