Admin1: Is the kind of logic used by Doctors of Alphysics superior to reasonable logic used by ordinary reasonable people?
Doctor Gravytee: What you call "ordinary logic" is very limited in its scope and it is useless in the kind of scientific work we are doing. Let me show you how ordinary logic fails in alphysics. As an ordinary reasoner you would look at Hubble's observation that galaxies are moving away from each other and conclude that galaxies were once closer together. This is the reasonable conclusion from the available evidence. There is nothing which told Hubble that the galaxies visible from the corner of the universe where humans lived constituted the entire universe. But for Doctors of Alphysics Hubble's observations provided "a dramatic confirmation" of general relativistic prediction that the Universe is expanding.
A1: The conclusion that the spreading galaxies necessarily means that sometime in the past all matter and space was concentrated in the form of a primordial atom with infinite density, temperature and pressure and with a diameter equal to zero is the result of Alphysics reasoning.
Dr. G: Yes. Without the scientific alphysics reasoning you could never make the greatest scientific discovery of the creation of the universe.