Admin1: How do Doctors of Alphysics justify their absurd claims?
Doctor Gravytee: If it can be done as a special effect it is possible in Nature.
A1: This is a big advance from the previous generation of Doctors of Alphysics who based their absurd claims on the authority of mathematics.
Dr. G: Modern Alphysics has revolutionized how Alphysics is done. In classical Alphysics Doctors used, or abused is the better word, the authority of mathematics to support their absurd claims. Today's Doctors realized that what their audience remembers is the special effects not some cryptic alphysical symbols.
A1: This is only a rebranding. The essential idea is the same. Doctors of Alphysics reason by authority.
Dr. G: Yes. Alphysics is all about marketing and branding. You can see in the NOVA movie that Alphysics is at the cutting edge of modern marketing.
A1: Alphysics is marketing state of the art. I am preparing a list of marketing elements in Alphysics and I put the concept of M Theory on top of my list.
Dr. G: Making M so mystical was the greatest marketing idea in the universes.
A1: It was fascinating to watch all the Doctors of Alphysics coyly stating that they did not know what M was. They then offered cute suggestions.
Dr. G: Coca Cola, the master of pure marketing, also uses this technique. They have created a mystique by never disclosing what their "secret ingredient" is.