Admin1: Dr. Gravytee, what does M in your name stand for?
Doctor Gravytee: M is my middle initial.
A1: What does your middle initial M stand for Dr. Al M. Gravytee?
Doctor G: No one knows. The dictionary lists more than 7000 words starting with the letter M. My initial could be any one of them.
A1: Did you ever get in trouble with the government for not being able to spell out your middle initial?
Doctor G: In science we define initials very precisely. Government does not know what science is. In science, the most undefined symbols are the best defined symbols. No one knows what M in M Theory stand for. Therefore, M is much better known than G, even though G is an experimentally verified quantity it is the least known constant of nature. M in M-Theory can stand for "Murky," yet it is known to Doctors of Alphysics with extreme precision.
A1: You seem to equate alphysics with science.
Dr. G: Alphysics is the crowning achievement of humanity. It is the language God used to write the code of nature. In alphysics you define any symbol as many times as possible and this makes them alscientific. Science and physics are dead. Science is not really scientific. Alscience is science. Alphysics is physics.
A1: Can we say more properly that science is aldead? Since in alphysics the meaning of dead is myriad.
Dr. G: In alphysics when we say that something is something this doesn't mean that something is really something. For instance, in alphysics vacuum is not really vacuum. In alphysics zero is not really zero. In alphysics one is not really one. In alphysics even absurd is not absurd, it is routine.
A1: This alphysics must be a fascinating new alscience.
Dr. G: No. It is science. Remember, science is aldead, long live alphysics.