Admin1: Dr. Gravytee, you are the discoverer of fractional dimensions.
Dr. Gravytee: Fractional dimensions are real. The next generation of colliders proposed by our group is designed to observe the fractional dimensions.
A1: The Theory fully supports fractional dimensions so it is a given that the new colliders will observe them. Have you defined the matching ultimate elementary particles who live in fractional dimensions? Last time I walked by your office you were busy studying your Star Wars DVDs to come up with a media friendly catchy label for the new family of ultimate elementary building blocks of nature.
Dr. G: My group has been polishing the last details before we launch our package of the next ultimate Nature. We hired Burson-Marsteller, a world class New York PR firm. This time around we are registering the names of new particles and copyrighting the whole package. The package includes the fractional dimensions, fractional universes, matching fractional spacetimes, the suitable candidates for dark matter, a new paradigm for black hole candidates, and all other color coded phenomena in the universe, a new species of gravitatioal waves called fractional gravitational waves, a new fractional spin, and of course, we are covering all flavors of Einstein's General Relativity and we are introducing our fractional cosmological constant, and the whole package reduces to Newton in pedestrian energies. We are also backward compatible with all the previous revolutions of The Theory. This package is launched as a new Revolution of The Theory. So I cannot tell you more now. It is going to be a major media event which will double human wisdom overnight. Our major innovation is that we are not launching our package in an annual conference of the industry as usual but we are branding a whole new Revolution.
A1: Looking forward to my fractional universe t-shirt.