Admin1: You agree that the latest episode of Nova with the most famous Doctor of Alphysics, Doctor Greene, proves beyond any doubt that The M-Theory is experimentally correct beyond any doubt. But it is so sad to watch someone who seems to be intelligent otherwise to believe in the falling apple dogma of Newtonism.
Doctor Gravytee: The Theory exists because Doctors of Alphysics such as Doctor Greene are priests of Newtonism.
A1: Why do you say that?
Dr. G: You call Doctor Greene an intelligent person. Probably he is. Up to a point. But his Newtonian indoctrination makes it impossible for him to see the world the way it really is. You see, Doctor Greene is a Newtonian Doctor of Philosophy. He is a Doctor of Alphysics.
A1: You mean he is a scholastic?
Dr. G: Of course. Not only a scholastic but he is a PRIEST of Newtonism. Newtonism is a religion. If you are aware of this fact the Nova movie makes sense. The most famous Doctor Greene cannot tell a definition from a proportionality. He has a dogmatic faith in Newtonian doctrine. For him Newton is absolutely right. Since he is unable to question the Newtonian doctrine he creates a string of lies he calls The Theory of Strings to justify his Newtonian indoctrination.
A1: This is a serious accusation.
Dr. G: There is no accusation. In the Nova episode you see the apples fall in a desert and you watch and hear the most famous Doctor of Alphysics Doctor Greene reiterate the authority of Newton by saying that Newton discovered the laws of gravity. This is a criminal statement.
A1: Do you mean to say that the most famous Doctor of Alphysics Doctor Greene is guilty of crimes against science?
Dr. G: Exactly.
A1: Then people are right. You are just jealous of the most famous Doctor of Alphysics Doctor Greene.
Dr. G: Not at all. He is a popularizer. The Theory needs evangelists like the most famous Doctor of Alphysics Doctor Greene.