Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Admin1: What is mathematics and what is its relation to the String Theory?

Doctor Gravytee: Good question. According to the M Principle of the String Theory no word starting with M can have any meaning that can be known by Doctors of Alphysics. So if you ask a Doctor of Alphysics What does M in M-Theory stand for? he would reply that M stands for Matrix, Mystery, inverted W and all of the above and none of the above and Multiples of all of the none of the above. Therefore, mathematics is elegantly mysterious in String Theory.

A1: This M Principle is more powerful than all the other principles of Alphysics combined.

Dr. G: Yes. The Cosmological Principle, Mach Principle, Einstein's Equivalence Principle, Lorentz Principle, Witten Principle, Greene Principle... the list goes on and on. M Principle unifies all the previous principles of Alphysics.

A1: Wouldn't be nice to have a Principle to stop Doctors of Alphysics from inventing any more principles?

Dr. G: No. Alphysics is an experimental science.