Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Greene Religion

Admin1: Your predictions are coming true, the most famous Doctor of Philosophy Doctor Greene has turned himself into a movie star.

Doctor Gravytee: String theory predicts that if it can be special effected then it is predicted by String Theory and it gets the stamp of approval of the most famous Doctor Greene.

A1: Why is this religion?

Doctor Gravytee: In the millennia old turf wars between Doctors of Philosophy and Doctors of Theology who are fighting to save the souls of the same innocent people to fatten their stomachs and pockets each group of Doctors claims to represent the true authority and insults his counterpart as being an ignorant and unfaithful moron with a defective authority to support his far fetched cosmogonic claims. Doctor Greene will never get tired of comparing creationism and the String Theory. This is what his constituency wants to hear.

A1: We know this from politics.

Doctor G: Yes, politicians are also professionals who use the same trick on their constituency.

A1: So are you saying that both standard religions of Doctors of Theology and the alphysical religion evangelicized by the Most Famous Doctor Greene are religions?

Dr. G: Exactly. Doctors themselves created this duality which does not exist. Most famous Doctor Greene the String Theory evangelist claims that creationism is religion but String Theory is science.

A1: This sounds right. The most rigorous String Theory is based on absolutely true and rigorous mathematicism and makes exact predictions in the form of special effects which are then experimentally proved by Doctor Greene who successfully reenacts them in his movies. Creationism on the other hand is based on the authority of a book written in a dead language two thousand years ago by sandal wearing peasants who never heard of special effects and therefore did not know about science and believed in not reproducible special effects such as people coming out of their graves three days later still smelling myrrh.

Dr. G: Yes. Cosmogony is religion. The claimed authority for cosmogonic speculations is not relevant. Whatever authority Doctors claim to sell their cosmogonic scenarios their cosmogonic scenarios are still cosmogonic scenarios sold as religion.

A1: I see. If it is cosmogony it is religion. It doesn't matter what authority Doctors use to support their cosmogonic lies.

Dr. G: Each cosmogonic religion is fraud. To substantiate their fraud so that they can sell more books Professional Doctors need an authority that people will trust.

A1: This makes sense. Two thousand years ago for the illiterate Mediterranean peasants the written word was the authority. If the Word said that the dead was raised from the dead they believed it. They never heard of mathematical String Theory which predicts raising of the dead by time travel.

Dr. G: True. For today's illiterate citizens the mathematics is the absolute authority. This is why they believe the String Theory and the scientific claims of dead routinely raised by Doctor Greene during his travels in various spacetimes.

A1: Doctors of Philosophy are so clever that they keep raising the illiteracy bar. As their constituency wise up and learn about their obscurantist tricks Doctors make the language of authority more and more complicated and proprietary and hidden so that they can define their constituency as illiterates. People finally learned to read but now they are defined by Doctors as mathematically illiterate.

Dr. G: It is amazing how such a simple fraud still works. Not much changed in two thousand years.

A1: Except the medium in which the Doctors screw their constituency.

Dr. G: Yes. Doctors of Alphysics are pretty much controlling the Internet and they are transitioning to the movies.

A1: Nothing surprising here. Doctors of Alphysics have been writing scenarios for the last 75 years or so. It is about time that they turned those scenarios into movies.

Dr. G: Doctors are now defining the popular culture and they are hip. The most famous Doctor Greene, the new face of modern religion for the masses, knows that today fiction becomes truth only when it is fictionalized in a movie.

A1: Another String Theory revolution cannot be far off.

Dr. G: Who knew that the M in M-Theory stood for the Media.

A1: That explains all.

Dr. G: True. The M-Theory is the Theory of Everything and the Media explains it all.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hidden assumptions

Admin1: Freeman Dyson has a new book: The Scientist as Rebel.

Doctor Gravytee: Dyson's total misunderstanding of Newton distinguishes him as one of the important alphysicists of our time. In his latest book Dyson argues that the best way to understand science is by understanding those who practice it. He tells stories of scientists at work, ranging from Isaac Newton's absorption in physics, alchemy, theology, and politics to Ernest Rutherford's discovery of the structure of the atom.

A1: The number of hidden assumptions in this sentence is more than usual even for an alphysicist.

Dr. G: Well, yes, Dyson is a famous alphysicist. The more famous an alphysicist is the more hidden assumptions he can cram in a sentence.

A1: He calls Newton a scientist.

Dr. G: Not only that he makes Newton practice physics. The word physics was invented in the 19th century because the general population was realizing that people who called themselves natural philosophers in honor of Newton's book's title were nothing other than the same scholastic Doctors who have been praying on human reason for millennia.

A1: Newton did not know what physics was.

Dr. G: Rutherford's discovery of structure of atom??

A1: Why? You don't believe Rutherford discovered the structure of atom?

Dr. G: Yes of course. He did in the mythology of alphysics.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

How do Woit, Greene and Motl rate in Baez' crackpot index

Admin1: According to Baez' famous crackpot index you get "50 points for claiming you have a revolutionary theory but giving no concrete testable predictions." Are famous string theorists crackpots?

Doctor Gravytee: Not at all. In Alphysics String theory is a acutely revolutionary theory since it revolutionizes itself every two years. All the predictions we make are testable. It is a minor detail that they are testable in uncommon universes of 11 dimensions that alphysicists will create in colliders that is being built by NASA beyond solar system by the Pioneer space craft. Once that collider is inaugurated it will prove all the testable predictions the String Theory makes.

A1: When?

Dr. G: NASA and General Dynamics, the contractor, is predicting ontime delivery on November 12, 2106 at 19:44:11pm.

A1: So precise. This is incredible. One hundred years from now to the second the String Theory will be verified exactly as you say now.

Dr. G: Correct.

A1: This is so exciting!! It will be a first since the universe started that NASA and one of its contractors will deliver a project on time. This shadows any experimental proof of String Theory. If they can deliver a collider beyond the solar system built by a decommissioned spacecraft on time there will be no doubt that the universe is as elegant as predicted by Doctor Greene.

Dr. G: Yes the most famous Doctor Greene will inaugurate the extra-solar system by traveling throught spacetime in one of the time machines that Doctor Baez and his students are building right now.