Saturday, December 23, 2006

Scholasticism is Cool

Admin1: There is a new post in Freedom of Science describing how Doctors of Alphysics write their papers. Do you agree?

Doctor Gravytee: Yes. This is how modern Aphysics papers are written. I agree with most of it. I never read any papers written by another Doctor of Alphysics. There is no point. It is a total waste of time. I skim the title and the summary in the and I write my own stuff. Remember that you don't get academic points for reading papers. You get academic points for publishing papers.

A1: What about the shampoo analogy.

Dr. G: He may have gone overboard with the shampoo analogy but it is true in its essence. He is definitely right about the sleaze factor. When you read the blogs of Doctors of Strings employed by venerable institutions such as Columbia and Harvard Universities you would be shocked how sleazy can these people get. If there is science pornography they are it.

A1: Your blog is clean.

Dr. G: We are about Alphysics not about string theory. Alphysics is an old tradition. String theory is on its way out.

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