Thursday, October 19, 2006

Mathematical polemics

Admin1: Doctors of Alphysics Latinized mathematics.

Doctor Gravytee: Doctors of Alphysics made science social science. Mathematics is their Latin.

A1: Now I see. It was only yesterday teaching of Latin was glorified as the fundamental source of knowledge. Mathematics replaced Latin as the source of knowledge. Then Doctors of Alphysics turned mathematics into social science.

Doctor Gravytee: You need to be careful. You may be insulting Doctors of Alphysics. Social Science is science whether it is social or not. Alphysics is not science and it will never be.

A1: How do you define mathematics in Alphysics?

Dr. G: Mathematics in Alphysics is a word which starts with M therefore it is extremely well defined and well-known.

A1: You mean it is undefined like M-Theory.

Dr. G: M-Theory is not undefined. You are missing the important but subtle detail. Mathematics is multiply defined.

A1: Mathematics means whatever Doctors of Alphysics want it to mean.

Dr. G: Exactly.

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