Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Knowledge and Sharing

Admin1: Knowledge multiplies by sharing.

Dr. Gravytee: Sharing happens when what is shared is legible to both parties.

A1: What is the purpose of publishing a paper if not sharing?

Dr. G: Publishing an academic alphysics paper is not sharing. Alphysicists publish first and foremost to earn academic points and then to hide any information they may know. Alphysicists hide information in order to monetize it. The currency of scholasticism is authority.

A1: The currency of scholasticism is not knowledge!

Dr. G: What is monetized by alphysicists is authority not knowledge. That's why sharing is anathema to physicists. Note that an alphysicist will freely share with you what is already in public domain. But then you can google that.

A1: What is the purpose of Alphysics?

Dr. G: Shooting a paper at an innocent bystander is academic sniperism not sharing. No one gains from academic sniperism except the academic who gains a few academic points.

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