Monday, January 08, 2007

God and Mathematics

Admin1: Where does mathematics end and algorithm start?

Dr. Gravytee: Mathematics is owned. Algorithm is not.

A1: There are algorithms which are owned.

Dr. G: Owners of algorithms always call them mathematics.

A1: Mathematics is the scholastic baroque decorations on an algorithm.

Dr. G: Mathematics is like art. Mathematics is what a mathematician does.

A1: That goes for Alphysics too.

Dr. G: The importance of mathematics lies in the fact that we use it as authority.

A1: Mathematics is an authority much like God.

Dr. G: Our brother Doctors of Theology use the word God as their final authority. We the Doctors of Alphysics use Mathematics as our authority. Many people who have no fear of God are horrified by mathematics. They are our constituency.

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