Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Against asceticism

Admin1: Self is happiest when in room temperature.

Dr. Gravytee: A Doctor of Alphysicist is happiest when in absolute temperature.

A1: Why are you so fond of the absolute.

Dr. G: Absolute is proportional to authority.

A1: The more you are for the self the more you eliminate things which are not related to self, such as money and consumer items. Comfort and ownership of consumer items remove self from room temperature.

Dr. G: Look not for what you can eliminate but look for what you can add. Eliminating the superfluous decorations eliminate contextual meaning. In scholasticism words are not constants but variables. More variable, more authority.

A1: Variables vary with the context.

Dr. G: Authority defines the context. Circular reasoning is a circular fence keeping outsiders outside insiders inside. Scholasticism is a closed system. Only an Alphysicist can de-contextualize an Alphysics paper.

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